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Why Being Triggered is a Good Thing.

Louise Hay was a renowned spiritual teacher and author who emphasised the importance of positive thinking and the mind-body connection. One of her key teachings is that being triggered can be a good thing. This may initially seem counterintuitive, as being triggered often involves experiencing negative emotions and reactions. However, Louise believed being triggered is an opportunity for growth and healing.

What Does it Mean to be Triggered?

A trigger is a term used to describe a reaction to a specific stimulus that brings up past trauma or negative emotions. This stimulus, or trigger, can be anything from a particular word or phrase to a specific situation or interaction. When triggered, we may experience intense emotional responses, such as fear, anger, or sadness, that feel disproportionate to the current situation.

Why is Being Triggered a Good Thing?

Being triggered is good because it allows us to identify and heal past wounds. When we are triggered, it's often because the stimulus we encounter reminds us of a past trauma or negative experience, usually when we were children. This triggers an emotional response that is connected to that past experience. By recognising that we are triggered and understanding the underlying cause of our emotional response, we can begin to heal the wounds that are causing us to react in this way. Healing our inner child helps us take responsibility, which allows the adult to show up to handle life's challenges.

It can also be an opportunity for personal growth and self-awareness. When we are triggered, we are forced to confront our patterns and beliefs. By examining our emotional responses and underlying beliefs, we can gain insight into ourselves and make positive changes.

When we work with the trigger, we are able to recognise when we are triggered and begin to take steps to process and heal from the underlying trauma or negative experience. Louise Hay taught us to work with triggers by using positive affirmations, visualisation, and other techniques to shift our beliefs and thought patterns.

For example, suppose a fear of abandonment triggers someone. In that case, they may use positive affirmations such as "I am safe and loved" or visualisation techniques to imagine themselves in safe and nurturing situations. In addition, working with a coach can help identify and work through triggers. By working with a coach, you can receive support and guidance in healing from past traumas and negative experiences.

Louise Hay's teachings on being triggered offer a valuable perspective on the role of negative emotions and experiences in our lives. Recognising that being triggered is an opportunity for growth and healing; we can approach these situations with greater understanding and self-awareness. By working with our triggers, we can heal from past wounds and create a more positive and fulfilling life.

Love Yourself, Heal Your Life® 2-Day Workshop is a very powerful two-day workshop that will teach you the points of Louise's philosophy. Based on Louise Hay's best-selling book You Can Heal Your Life.

Our next workshop is June 8-9, 2023, in Sydney. To learn more, contact Nancy at 0411 459 124 or go to the home page on the website and scroll down halfway.

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